Opportunities Doncaster
This is Doncaster
This is Doncaster is an animated resource designed to engage and inspire the future workforce and showcase Doncaster as an exciting place to live, work and socialise.
The video showcases Labour Market Information (LMI), local employers, career opportunities and progression routes. For more information, check out our Made It In Doncaster page to find out first hand from some of Doncaster’s living success stories.

This is Doncaster Teaching Pack
The This is Doncaster teaching pack includes an assembly, an overview session, five sequential sessions and a suggested activity list for each Key Stage 3 year group. It is designed to give secondary schools a comprehensive framework to design and deliver the latest LMI information for Doncaster.
In light of the current circumstances, each session plan also includes helpful hints and tips to deliver in a socially-distanced classroom and as an independent home-learning activity.
The teaching pack makes explicit links to objectives and guidance from the National Curriculum, the PSHE Association, the Character Education Framework, the Careers and Enterprise Company, the Gatsby Foundation, the Making it Meaningful Toolkit and the Skills Builder Partnership.