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Doncaster Chamber Is Expanding Its Team To Create A More Optimistic, Business-Friendly Vision For The City

Doncaster City Centre

Determined to create a more optimistic, business-friendly vision for our city and to then help put that in motion Doncaster Chamber is expanding its team with a brand new post.

The organisation is currently looking for an enterprising Head of Policy and Research, who will play an instrumental role in various campaigning, research, and public-affairs related activities. Placed at the very heart of the Chamber’s mission, this individual will make a huge difference here in Doncaster, and will also help to drive meaningful, far-reaching change throughout the wider borough.

For context, while Doncaster Chamber is involved in many different undertakings like organising popular events, providing key services to its membership base, and connecting up businesses one of its most important functions is to advocate on behalf of our city. To that end, it will regularly leverage its platform in order to lobby for the best interests of the business community, as well as to influence policymaking where relevant.

Successful examples of this in recent years include: helping to found the University Technical College (UTC); securing £45 Million’s worth of Stronger Towns funding for both Doncaster & Stainforth; and spearheading our bid for City Status. Elsewhere, the Chamber also remains a prominent voice in the ongoing fight to save Doncaster Sheffield Airport, and has led the development of an innovative Local Skills Improvement Plan, the latter of which is intended to tackle our region’s skills gap.

Hoping to make an even bigger impact going forward, the Chamber has committed to growing a new, dedicated team that will contribute towards and oversee similar activities in the future. To get the ball rolling here, the organisation is currently recruiting for a Head of Policy and Research.

Joining the senior leadership team, this person will be responsible for managing upcoming advocacy campaigns, leading on the publication of an annual business policy manifesto, conducting important research projects, engaging with Doncaster’s MPs (and other such partners), acting as a media spokesperson, and ultimately ensuring that the voice of Chamber members is heard far & wide.

Of course, this is by no means an all-encompassing overview of the job description (which can itself be found here) but, suffice it to say, the post-holder will play a critical role in the future of Doncaster.

Speaking about the rationale behind introducing this post now, and how it will factor into the organisation’s work going forward, Dan Fell, Chief Exec for Doncaster Chamber, said: “It’s no secret that the last twelve months have been fraught with challenge for Doncaster and that things haven’t exactly been going our way.  

“Between the closure of our region’s airport, the loss of our high-speed rail college, a near-miss with the GBR HQ bid, and an assortment of other economic hardships that have plagued the entire country, it has been a very tough year. As a result of these mounting setbacks, it’s only inevitable that our business community has been left wondering what the vision for Doncaster is now, and how we might be able to turn things around.

“In the past, this is a question that I feel we have been able to answer with real authority and clarity, but I must confess that it’s been a rather difficult one of late. For the last decade, Doncaster has built itself an enviable and well-deserved reputation for being a business-friendly environment. One in which the private sector can really get things done.

“However, we have to recognise that things have changed and that we can no longer afford to dine out on former glories. A new vision is sorely needed to get things back on track.

“At the Chamber, we recognise that we share some responsibility for this and that we need to be part of the solution. That’s why we have chosen to invest in a new Head of Policy and Research, who will be able to work alongside our partners, businesses and government representatives in order to help us retake control of our economic destiny, and to ultimately shape a more ambitious future for the city.

“The post-holder in question will be an integral part of our Senior Management Team, and must be ready to embrace new opportunities with zeal and enthusiasm. Working in a dynamic, fast-paced environment, this is a chance to make a real difference and to drive forward a number of exciting projects.

“With that said, if you are passionate about the importance of business and want to see Doncaster thriving, then you could be exactly who we are looking for here.”

To find out more about the Head of Policy and Research role, and to see other vacancies and Doncaster Chamber, click below.



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