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Yorkshire Business Organisations Urge New Transport Secretary To Protect the Airspace Above Doncaster Sheffield Airport

Yorkshire Business Organisations Urge New Transport Secretary To Protect the Airspace Above Doncaster Sheffield Airport With the campaign to reboot Doncaster Sheffield Airport now entering the final stretch — and with victory seemingly in sight —representatives of Yorkshire’s business community have today joined forces and written to Government, calling for its support at this critical…

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Local Businesses List Cleanliness, Safety and Retail As Their Top Priorities For Improvement in South Yorkshire’s Civic Centres

Local Businesses List Cleanliness, Safety and Retail As Their Top Priorities For Improvement in South Yorkshire’s Civic Centres Safety, cleanliness and the quality of retail have all been cited by South Yorkshire businesses as top priorities for their local urban cores. This is according to the recently-published findings of the Town and City Centre Survey.…

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Local Chamber Identifies Closing the Skills Gap, Developing Stronger Relationships and Helping Reboot Doncaster Sheffield Airport As Top Priorities For New Government

Local Chamber Identifies Closing the Skills Gap, Developing Stronger Relationships and Helping Reboot Doncaster Sheffield Airport As Top Priorities For New Government With the UK General Election now in the rear-view mirror, and the results having been announced earlier this morning, Doncaster Chamber is outlining its top priorities for the newly-formed Labour Government. Seeking to…

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